Amanohashidate [天橋立]
Amanohashidate from View Land
Amanohashidate from Kasamatsu Park
Amanohashidate is a sandbar.
It is one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, along with Matsushima in Miyagi Prefecture and Miyajima in Hiroshima Prefecture.
The word is long.
But "Ama no Hashidate" is its original Japanese words, and it means "bridge connecting the heaven and the earth".
It is located at the north part of Kyoto Prefecture and is on the Sea of Japan side.
And, it is about 3 km north of the center of Miyazu city.
The sandbar divides Aso Sea from Miyazu Bay.
Aso Sea is like a lake, and Miyazu Bay is connected to the Sea of Japan.
The length of the sandbar is about 3.6 km, and the width is 20 to 170 meters.
There are about eight thousand pine trees on the sandbar.
And there are two waterways connecting Aso Sea and Miyazu Bay at the south edge of the sandbar.
The main scenic overlooks are on the south and north sides of the sandbar.
In the area on the south side, there is Amanohashidate station of Kitakinki Tango Railway.
It is the entrance of Amanohashidate.
There are some sightseeing spots around the station.
The northern area has also an observatory and a temple.
To the northern area, we can use a sightseeing boat from the south area or walk on the sandbar.
It takes about 12 minutes by the sightseeing boat.
And a road on the sandbar is about 3 km long, so it takes about an hour on foot.
Road on the sandbar of Amanohashidate
Photo by Kyoto Free Photo
How to view Amanohashidate
By the way, on the observatories around Amanohashidate, it is customary that we see the sandbar through between our legs with bending forward.
By doing so, we see the scenery upside down.
The images are "Dragon flying up in the heaven" on the south side and "Bridge with many pine trees across the sky" on the north side.
Chionji temple (知恩寺)
Sanmon of Chionji
Monjudo of Chionji
Photo by
Chionji is a temple of Rinzai Zen sect.
It is located about 200 meters northeast of Amanohashidate station.
The temple was founded in 808, and Monju Bosatsu has been enshrined.
Monju Bosatsu is the god of intelligence.
So the students taking an entrance exam visit here.
Of cource, when you visit here, you may get wiser.
The precinct faces Aso Sea.
Tahoutou of Chionji
Photo by
Bell tower of Chionji
Photo by
Sanmon built in 1767 is the entrance gate and Monjudo built in 1657 is the main temple.
Tahoutou is a two-story pagoda and was built in 1501.
It is designated as an important cultural property.
Kaisenkyo bridge (廻旋橋)
Chie-no-wa tourou
Kaisenkyo is a bridge over a canal between the mainland and the sandbar, and is near Sanmon gate of Chionji.
This bridge was completed in 1923.
When a ship has come here, this bridge turns 90 degrees to permit to pass.
Only a few movable bridges of this type are in Japan.
Near this bridge, Chie-no-wa tourou (知恵の輪灯篭) stands by the canal.
It is a ring-shaped stone lantern, and was set up to keep the safety of the ship in the early 18th century.
"Chie-no-wa" means "ring of intelligence".
If you pass your head through the ring three times, it is said that you will get wiser by Monju Bosatsu.
Amanohashidate View Land
Slope car to View Land
View from View land
Amanohashidate View Land is a southern observatory of Amanohashidate and is also an amusement park.
It is on the top of Mount Monju (135 m) located about 0.7 km south of Amanohashidate station.
From the foot of the mountain, a slope car or a lift leads you to the park.
There are some attractions in the park, and the view of Amanohashidate is very good.
The scenery from the observatory looks like "Dragon flying up in the heaven" and is called Hiryukan (飛龍観).
Kasamatsu Park (傘松公園)
Lift to Kasamatsu Park
View from Kasamatsu Park
Kasamatsu Park is the northern observatory of Amanohashidate.
The park is located on the mountainside to the north of Aso Sea.
And it is at a height of about 130 meters.
The scenery from the observatory looks like "Bridge with many pine trees across the sky".
From the foot of the mountain, a cable car leads you to the park.
And, to the foot of the mountain, the ferry is operated from near Chionji.
How to get here
From Kyoto, by JR limited express, about 2 hours and 5 minutes.
From Shin-Osaka, by JR limited express, about 2 hours and 20 minutes.