Tourist spot in Fukuoka city

Ruin of Fukuoka Castle [福岡城跡]

Ruin of Fukuoka Castle in spring
Ruin of Fukuoka Castle in spring
© Fukuoka City

Tamon-yagura in Fukuoka Castle
Tamon-yagura in Fukuoka Castle
© Fukuoka City

Fukuoka Castle is a castle located about 1.5 km west of Tenjin area.

Fukuoka had been a port town as an entrance to China and Korean Peninsula since ancient times.

After the Mongol Invasions in the late 13th century, this area had been devastated in the long period of warring states until the end of the 16th century.

At last, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598) made a success to unify Japan.
So, the town of Fukuoka was also revived.

Kuroda Nagamasa (1568-1623) became the first lord of this area and built this castle in 1607.

The name of the castle was "Fukuoka Castle".
The name of the town had been "Hakata" since the ancient times, but Nagamasa named the western side of Naka River with the castle and the name of the east side became Hakata.

The current site is about 300 meters from north to south and about 200 meters from east to west, and it is within Maizuru Park (舞鶴公園) now.

But, it is said the east end in the original site was the riverside of Naka River.

Otemon gate of Fukuoka Castle
Otemon gate of Fukuoka Castle
© Fukuoka City

Kinen-yagura in Fukuoka Castle
Kinen-yagura in Fukuoka Castle
© Fukuoka City

There is a large foundation of a castle tower in the center of the site.
But the presence of the castle tower was not confirmed by historical materials.

In the site, there were a palace for the lord, 10 gates and 47 tower buildings.

After the end of feudal period of Edo Government, most buildings were demolished in the 1870s.
Now, Kinen-yagura tower (祈念櫓), Tamon-yagura tower (多聞櫓) and Najimamon gate (名島門) remain and

How to get here

The nearest station of subway is Ohorikoen (K06 Kuko Line).
About 700 meters from the station.

Fukuoka city subway

Other Tourist Attractions in Fukuoka city

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