Kirishima-jingu shrine [霧島神宮]
Approach to Ni-no-Torii in Kirishima-jingu
Photo: Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization
San-no-Torii in Kirishima-jingu
Mount Kirishima (霧島山) is a group of active volcanoes, and has many peaks around the border between Kagoshima Prefecture and Miyazaki Prefecture.
Karakunidake peak (韓国岳, 1,700 m) is the highest peak, and is to the southeast of the basin.
And, there is Takachiho-no-mine (高千穂峰, 1,574 m) peak about 8 km to the southeast.
It is the sacred mountain which had been worshiped since ancient times.
Kirishima-jingu is a Shinto shrine at the southwestern foot of Takachiho-no-mine peak.
It is located about 7 km northeast of Kirishima-Jingu station on JR Nippo Line.
It is said that the shrine was founded in the 6th century.
Takachiho-no-mine is an object of worship of the shrine.
The shrine had often been destroyed by the eruption of Mount Kirishima, and the current shrine was constructed in 1484.
Approach from San-no-Torii to main shrine
Main shrine of Kirishima-jingu
Photo: Kagoshima Prefectural Visitors Bureau
There is the shrine town and Great Torii gate (大鳥居) stands as the entrance.
The worshippers walk along the approach about 500 meters long.
They pass through Ni-no-Torii gate (二の鳥居) on the way.
There is San-no-Torii gate (三の鳥居) as the last gate to the main shrine.
The approach between San-no-Torii and the main shrine is surrounded by thick forest and the length is about 100 meters.
Gorgeous worship hall of Kirishima-jingu
Corridor to Main shrine
The main shrine is very colorful and gorgeous.
It was rebuilt in 1715 and was designated National Treasure in 2022.
There is a sacred Japanese cedar tree by the main shrine.
The height is about 35 meters and is about 800 years old.
It is said that the tree is the original of all cedar trees in southern Kyushu Island.
Sacred Japanese cedar tree in Kirishima-jingu
Sazare-ishi in Kirishima-jingu
There is "Sazare-ishi" near San-no-Torii offered by Gifu Prefecture.
Small stones and sand gathered and were hardened by the composition of the soil in the earth for thousands of years
It is "Sazare-ishi" and is found in Gifu Prefecture in Japan.
The word of "Sazare-ishi" is used in Japan's national anthem.
Because small stones become big rock for a long time, the national anthem includes the meaning of the long reign of Japanese Emperor.
How to get here
By JR limited express, to Kirishima-Jingu, about 50 minutes from Kagoshima-Chuo, about 1 hour and 20 minutes from Miyazaki.
Then, by route bus, from Kirishima-Jingu station, about 13 minutes to Kirishima Shrine.